Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Meeting Some Cool People.

After spending the week in Edinburgh, I hopped on a train and went down to Leeds to meet with some very cool people.
I am a member of the Simply Syndicated forums. Simply Syndicated is, to put it basically, a podcast network. A better description would be to call it an online community.

A Week To Myself

Spending the past week in Edinburgh has helped me sort out some issues of mine.

I spent a lot of my days just wandering around the city taking it in. Of course, being the socially insular person that I am, I never went anywhere without my iPod. Not only was this to escape the risk that I may have to actually speak to someone, but I also had accrued a large backlog of podcasts which I'd hoped to get through.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Story-time And A Few Ideas.

I wrote this a while ago. It's also written from an Irish point of view but the issues, I think, are fairly international.

I'd like to tell you a story.

In case you hadn't noticed, the country is in an awful mess. We've lost all our money by putting our finances in the hands of idiots.

I'd like to warn you now that this story may seem like I'm anti-immigration or I have some sort of 'Keep Ireland for the Irish' mentality, If you still feel like that at the end of the story---then you're either an idiot or you're part of the problem.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Destination: Unknown

This has been building up inside me for some time so excuse the slight rambly nature of it. I intend for this blog to be light-hearted, entertaining (hopefully) and fun, while also talking about some issues I have opinions on.
I'll just get all my personal crap out of the way first. I may elaborate on some points I've raised here in later posts but for now, well, this is me.

Who am I?

My name is Alan and...I don't really know who I am.
I am 21 years old and I still live with my parents. I have no real qualifications to speak of other than a secondary (or high) school education which, I'll be honest, I just about scraped by. I've never been to college other than a summer course in Film Production.
The only job I've ever had has been assissting my father in his furniture shop which is suffering greatly during the recession. It is no longer a question of whether it will close but when.
The topic of my future has been rattling around inside my head for a while now and I haven't been able to pin down an answer.
Yesterday evening, my mother gave me the news that she has decided to shut up shop and prepare the house for sale. I have known that this was an eventuality but when she said it, I did feel panicked. This has forced me to reevaluate my life and consider the next stage.